Privacy and cookies policy

1. General provisions

  1. Privacy policy – a document specifying how users’ personal data necessary for the provision of services electronically through the online shop: (hereinafter: the Shop) is collected, processed and stored.
  2. The Shop collects ONLY personal data that is NECESSARY for the provision and development of the services offered therein.
  3. The personal data collected through the Shop is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter: RODO) and the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018.

2. Data administrator

The administrator of the personal data of users using the services of the Shop is the company: Michał Popiół Nemezink, with registered office at 1 Brygady 16/33, 33-300 Nowy Sącz, using NIP number 7343585506, REGON number 386825885.

3. Cel zbierania danych osobowych

  1. Dane osobowe wykorzystywane są w celu: 

  • rejestracji konta użytkownika na Sklepie, umożliwiającego realizację umowy dotyczącej usług i e-usług,
  • weryfikacji danych osobowych użytkownika,
  • komunikacji Administratora z użytkownikiem (adres e-mail, telefon, formularz kontaktowy) dotyczącej procesu zamówienia i jego dostawy,
  • wysyłki newslettera (po wyrażeniu zgody użytkownika na  otrzymywanie informacji handlowej),
  • prowadzenia systemu wyrażania opinii o produktach Sklepu,
  • ustalenia i dochodzenia roszczeń i/lub obrony przed nimi.
  1. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ALE niezbędne do zawarcia umowy i/lub skorzystania z innych funkcjonalności Sklepu.

4. Purpose of personal data collection

  1. Personal data is used for: 
  • registration of the user’s account on the Shop, enabling the performance of the contract for services and e-services,
  • verification of the user’s personal data,
  • communication of the Administrator with the user (e-mail address, telephone, contact form) concerning the order process and its delivery,
  • sending a newsletter (after the user’s consent to receive commercial information),
  • running the system of expressing opinions about the Store’s products,
  • establish and assert and/or defend against claims.


       2. The provision of data is voluntary, BUT necessary to conclude a contract             and/or make use of other functionalities of the Store.

5. Type of personal data processed

The controller may process your personal data take as: 
  • name and surname/company name
  • residential address (if the user is a natural person without legal form) and/or billing address of the company, 
  • e-mail address 
  • telephone number, 
  • NIP/NIN/FEIN etc.

6. Retention period of personal data

  1. Personal data collected for:
  • providing services related to sales contracts and contracts for the provision of digital content or digital services will be stored for the duration of the contract and thereafter for the period necessary for:
handling complaints,
secure or assert any potential claims to which the Administrator (the selling party) and/or the Customer is entitled;

fulfilment of the Store Administrator’s legal obligation (e.g. arising from tax or accounting regulations);

  • provision of marketing services; until the consent granted for the processing of personal data is withdrawn,
  • provision of services by electronic means: until the Store user deletes his/her account.

7. Protection and sharing of personal data

  1. The Administrator’s employees and collaborators, as well as entities cooperating with the Administrator and providing the following services to the Administrator: IT, telecommunications, financial, logistics, marketing and legal services, will have access to your personal data.
  2. The Administrator protects the personal data provided to it and makes every effort to protect it from unauthorised access or use by third parties.
  3. Personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

8. User rights

  1. The Store user has the right to: 
  • access to the content of their personal data, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, portability, to object to processing, to withdraw consent at any time (which does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal).
  1. The Shop Administrator provides for the possibility of deleting personal data from its database, in particular in the event of deletion of the account or withdrawal of consent to further processing of user data.
  2. The Administrator MAY REFUSE to delete personal data if the Customer has not paid his/her dues to the Administrator and/or has violated applicable laws, and the retention of personal data is necessary to establish, assert or defend the Administrator’s claims.
  3. Notification of the Store user’s entitlement under the aforementioned rights should be sent to
  4. The Administrator shall comply or refuse to comply with the request within a maximum of 30 days from the date of its receipt.
  5. The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection if he/she considers that the processing violates his/her rights and freedoms (RODO).

9. Cookies

  1. The Shop collects information by means of cookies – session cookies, permanent cookies and external entities.
  2. The collection of cookies supports the Store Administrator in the proper provision of services and serves statistical purposes.
  3. The user can determine the scope of access of cookies to his/her device in the browser settings.
  4. Cookies do not in any way enable the Administrator to access the Customer’s computer and/or information about him/her, except for information about how the Customer uses our Store and the personal data he/she chooses to share with the Administrator (including personal data he/she makes available automatically due to browser settings).

10. Final provisions

  1. The Administrator has the right to introduce changes to the Privacy Policy, however the users’ rights will not be limited.
  2. Information about the introduced changes will appear in the form of an announcement available on the Shop.
  3. In matters not regulated by this Privacy Policy, the provisions of RODO and the provisions of Polish law shall apply.